Daily Discoveries

Mammatus Cloud

Boob clouds! Wiki says there's no clear explanation as to how they form, but from what I understand... water vapor that reaches high altitudes in the atmosphere gets converted to ice crystals. In warm weather conditions and high water vapor levels, the ice begins to melt further and rises up to form an anvil cloud, which basically looks like a mushroom. The ice that remains, falls below this anvil and forms pockets (boobs) because of its weight. They are quite rare from what I gather, and tend to form after a storm.
Don't take me up on this explanation, I could be absolutely wrong. I just tripped over the way they were, and was imagining porno for the gods, low-flying topless angels that fill the sky... stuff like that.

Neuroskeptic - discovered 07/22/2010. 
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - a zap away at: Neuroskeptic: Zapping Memories Away

1 comment:

gri said...

oops... celibacy aint doing u gud eh!
;) gri