Saturday, October 10, 2009

Go Obama

humanism.. Gandhi had the right ideals, beautiful visions... but the world is just not ready for it yet. I think that is the way to be. You are not separated by regions, countries, race, color, religion, language.. you are what I am, human, a pure living organism, racing to survive, find happiness.. unite under that banner but none else. There might me a God, and everyone believes that a God is an all-loving all-compassionate being with nothing but goodwill.. don't you want to be a God too? you can, I can, we are all images of that God.. after all, thats why we feel His presence. We want to be like him, be a better person; and all that blocks us are our CONVICTIONS, our certainity that what we believe is the absolute truth, sadly there's no absolute truth, at least to me. The only absolute truth is the fact that we are organic beings, capable of communicating with each other, the extent of which is only limited by our perceptions. Like Nietzsche said, "Convictions are more dangerous enemies of truth than lies." Open up. Be free. Be the fuckin spirit you are!! How desirable would the world be! But we aren't ready for it yet. We still don't care. We probably don't even know how to go there, even if we wanted to. Worse of all, we can still live the way we do and get by. Get by... and another lifetime goes by... in a haze of insignificance, battling issues of no consequence to humanity. To realize that and get out of it is the first step toward understanding the world. Once we understand ourselves, we understand humanity and its place on earth.. But to reach that goal, we have a long long way to go. In a recent conversation, a friend talked about his dream to conquer the world through trade, business.. and I believe that might be one factor that can actually unite people. Politics, religion, beliefs, everything that has been tried before has failed and will fail in the current world we live in. Nothing unites us more than our race for a living, a better economic situation; so why not? A benevolent business that doesn't work just for the profit of some but is committed to raising the standard of life all over the world. It is a hard thing to reach. The failing will again be human greed but if that can be overcome and people of different races relate to each other, irrespective of their backgrounds, they will find that they are one. A single powerful empire uniting all of mankind, initially by force, but make us realize what we are capable of as one. No more national boundaries, but together, as earthlings. Three things that can unite us all: a common enemy, one powerful empire, gradually globalizing to realize our potential as one. Maybe one may happen before the other, or maybe, they will all happen together... I'll keep dreaming with Lennon. And in these lines of thought, I think that the one person who has the charisma, the political presence, and leadership, to lay the groundwork for such a future has been awarded the peace prize. He might just have visions, but they are indeed grand. Grand for the president of a country that prides itself in its responsibility. Grand for a self made black man from a country that once did slave trade. To Obama, change, and a global village.

Edit: An op-article by Bono; quite sweet.

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